Friday, December 28, 2018


i didn't see you slip in today, I was not quite myself as I have been feeling a bit under the weather as they say! You're almost gone and I haven't enjoyed you like I wanted to because of symptoms that tried to control my body. I had to put my foot down and tell them to leave me alone so I can enjoy this holiday and the time I've been blessed to be off from work! Please forgive me !
I'm looking forward to our next visit being much more fruitful! Until then...

Friday, December 21, 2018


HELLO Friday!
We made it and so far it's been grand, good things all around, despite the inclement weather we're experiencing off and on this otherwise beautiful and productive day! Had a great time at one of my Small Group meetings sharing testimonies of God's goodness and His faithfulness, Yes! If He said He'll do it, by golly He will! The ladies I spent time with were the epitome of "blessed" and it made me realize how very fortunate I am to be a part of the family of God.
Of course sweet Friday this doesn't in any way diminish what you mean to me or how I feel about you...two very different feelings that are dear to me! You are here and hope for the weekend rises to a level of great expectancy. I'm ready for you, bring it on!
With a big smile on my face and a pep in my step, I'm prepared for the most fun the weekend can bring! Fill me!
Until next time...

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Friday Eve

Please hurry my friend, I really need to see you, to touch you, to know that you are really real! I'm waiting on you to make this weekend the best ever. Let's get it started, remember I'm depending on you.
See you tomorrow...

Friday, December 14, 2018


You are here, present and accounted for, so wonderful to have an on-time friend! You come every week as scheduled right after I've toiled and worked all week long. Be good to me Friday, I'm depending on you to help make this day great!
It's cloudy, rainy, very inclement weather, but knowing you're here makes me a bit more joyous about the prospects of the weekend! I'm planning to do some baking tonight for a cookie challenge that I've never entered before so first time will be a charm, Why? Because you are with me and it's Friday!
Yes, it is Friday! Maybe I should do some, maybe not that extreme, but I will wear a very big smile upon my lovely face and everyone will see the confidence I have that it will all turn out great!
God's got it! Until next time...

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Friday Eve

We're almost there, it's Friday Eve again so soon... Slow down Father Time ! I must get my life on schedule so I can enjoy my friend tomorrow. I'm closing down for the night with sweet dreams of Friday and our beautiful affair!
Until tomorrow ...

Friday, December 7, 2018

It's Friday

Hello again, it's Friday and we meet again to make this day as marvelous as it should be from start to finish.

Friday, I salute you, I love you, and honor're always right on time, so dependable. You never forget to follow Thursday and that's a good thing because I would truly miss you and all my weekend plans would dissolve into the universe and explode! So I thank you for being who you are!  Coming to my rescue after a long arduous work week is just what the doctor ordered or did he? I'm pretty sure he did!

My plans are a bit overwhelming this time due to an unusually busy holiday season with an enormous amount of invites to dinners, parties, and get-togethers. Now let me explain, enormous for me is three or more, I don't get out

Sweet sweet Friday, work with me today and make this day easy and uncomplicated. Hope that's not too much to ask!
Until next time...

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Friday Eve

Hey followers! We made it over the hump, that day has passed and Friday Eve has taken its place! Today was wonderful, full of excitement, lots of hard work making my way to Friday. I'm moving on to my favorite day and the weekend is full of promise and surprise.
I'm super excited! Come on my good friend Friday, I'm ready for you!
Until then...