Friday, July 27, 2018


Here I am sitting at my desk at work with the weekend on my mind, however Friday makes the workweek less painful by entering so smoothly and quietly changing my mood from anxious to mellow! I'm good and all's right with the world TODAY...Friday!
When I asked a very dear friend of mine what he thought of my blog, he said simply "it's just about Friday", and he's right, it is about Friday and that's the point I'm making! If you get that, then you get me! OK?
No plans this weekend except a baby shower and that is if the weather permits. It's been extremely wet lately, so we'll see! If it rains I'll lock up in my She-Shelter and clean it!
Until next time...

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Friday Eve

Its Friday Eve and I'm feeling a little tingle in my tummy at the soon coming of my friend Friday! The weeks are going quickly, but so are the weekends. We must savor the excitement by making plans to have a bit of fun or the workweek will sneak up on you and you forget how special the weekend really is! Feel me?
Until tomorrow ....

Friday, July 20, 2018


Friday , you came and highlighted my life today and as usual I feel good. My girls and I celebrated this beautiful rainy day with a great meal prepared by none other than me, finished with a peach/ apple cobbler which was absolutely divine! Thanks to you Friday, I was energetic enough to make all this happen after a long day at work!
Since its been raining everyday, I suppose I will play the rest of my weekend by ear. Until next time...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Friday Eve

Here we are at the eve of my special let's have it! Bring it on!

Friday, July 13, 2018


Friday, I'm so glad to greet you today more than any other because I have something super important to share. I have been battling some serious back problems which have tried and I emphasize "tried" to incapacitate me with NO success, I am an overcomer and I will not allow this season to be poisoned by illness or setbacks of any kind. This is my season to "SHINE" and shine I will!
Past the pain, I find myself getting better everyday and choose not to listen to those who scream AGE, NO CURE, HEALING doesn't happen and I say to all of that..."I can't hear you" and move on!
So again, my friend Friday...Welcome and let's have some FUN!!!

Friday, July 6, 2018


So blessed to see this day! I've waited it seems forever to get to the weekend, surely it's because of the 4th of July holiday on Wednesday and it messed me up and made this week even longer...but Friday has come in all its splendor and made me a new person!
I'm ready for anything and everything the world has to offer. I'm all prayed up and armored up for the task at hand. Fuel is what I needed and Friday brought it! So come on Friday, let's get in it to win it!
Until later...