Friday, November 30, 2018


Friday, you're free! I longed for you all week and now you're here in all your glory ready to introduce the weekend with so much promise. I'm excited and ready to work to make it happen!
Last week was a short work week but quite a long weekend with a beautiful Thanksgiving placed right in the middle...delectable would be the word!
Tonight we go to the Symphone and expect to be wowed under the stars! How very good is that?
Friday, you have been very very good to me! I want to be equally good to you!
Until later...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Friday. Eve

We sailed right through Hump Day and find ourselves here at this time on Friday Eve, getting all prepped for the sweetness of Friday! Let's make it great! My list is long, but I plan to take some small bites today and cut that list in half.
Today we're decorating for Christmas at work and it's always all hands on deck, so we make it happen in a few hours and it's always beautiful ! Can't wait to see what it looks like when we finish.
Until tomorrow ...

Friday, November 23, 2018


So stinkin happy to see you my dear sweet friend Friday! I have to admit yesterday kinda blew me away, it was Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful, friends, and a roof over my head! One HUGE difference that made me linger and bask in the glory of Friday Eve was that I did not have to work on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday which caused me to put off my usual craving for you! You are always my entrance into the weekend, but this week I had a weekend starting right after work on Tuesday. If this continues, will I lose my thirst for you? Or will I always wait for you?
A lot to think about!
Well, today was equally as good as yesterday spending time with three of my best girls going to the movies, Grinching out with popcorn and pop, laughing and making a pitstop at B n N to do a bit of reading, writing and relaxation. Ending our sweet Friday on a good note. No hustle and bustle with crazy crowds spending unnecessarily.  How dare they call my friend Black Friday anyway? You are fabulous Friday !
Until later...

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Friday Eve

Hello Turkey lovers and you non-meat eating blog lovers! This has truly been an extraordinarily beautiful day, the weather and all the good food God provided for me and my family! Can we say "blessed"?  
On this Friday Eve, I am feeling so good, I could stay here for a bit longer even though I'm usually in a rush for my friend Friday to ease on in, instead I could linger in Friday Eveland for a while longer...maybe because it's Thanksgiving Day!
Friday, you have my consent to take your time and allow me more time with this beautiful day!
Until tomorrow...

Friday, November 16, 2018


Lets forget all the pleasantries and get to the point, It's FRIDAY! No other way to say except to say it! But do say it loud until it resounds over and over. Not sure what's in store for me this sweet day called Friday, maybe my friend will let me in on the secret. Whatever it is, it will be GREAT because Friday knows how to celebrate! My excitement flows over into my work and I find I'm nicer and more productive when Friday shows up. Could it be anticipation? I think so! This time of year brings me so much joy, I simply can not explain and it is finally cool enough to do some cleaning and allowing fresh air to come in through avenues that were not very inviting lately! Those avenues would be "windows and doors" shut for way too long! Can't wait to decorate and get Thanksgiving dinner started. It's gonna be tasty and fun so come dine with me and feel Friday all week long! Until then...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Friday Eve

This is the day before the day! Believe it or not, it is Friday Eve coming to you LIVE again. I don't know how you came so quickly, you were just here and now you're back. You are certainly a "frequent flyer" because you zoom in and out before I can gather my thoughts and plan my week. It's okay though because my good friend Friday will be here tomorrow bringing me much joy and excitement for the weekend! You two make a great pair! Until tomorrow...

Friday, November 9, 2018


Ok, Friday you came in like a whirlwind and helped me speed through my workday, which was genius! Bad thing is it's already evening and I'm just getting a chance to thank you for coming and being such a big part of my life. Will you still be as kind when I retire? You really don't have to answer that just yet, I'll give you warning! It's been a great day and I feel like a have a real grip on life and what's ahead for me if I focus and let nothing deter me. Enough said, until later...

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Friday Eve

Hello everyone , what's up your sleeve? You must know it's Friday not deceived! The day before the day is the day! And I'm soooo ready to see you my sweet Friday and hear what you have in store for me! Until tomorrow...

Friday, November 2, 2018


HELLO to all you hungry Friday readers! I know you've been waiting patiently for the unknown and unread to unfold, right? Well here it is! The long and short of it is "we made it". YES, another week has come and almost gone and we're still diving and hopefully thriving! This week has been beautiful, but not without its usual bumps and hurdles to get over. The fact that we've overcome ALL these barriers and made it over the hump is a blessing! We need to be ever thankful for what God has done for each of us who are able to read this blog or have it read to you! Friday, You are right on time just as I expected and you bring me such joy and peace of mind knowing I've done well by completing the tasks that I had before me and preparing myself for the weekend. After all, we must keep it moving or it will stop! Feel me? Until next time...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Friday Eve

Watch out for tomorrow! Today, I'm just plain ol tired and headed to bed to get every ounce of sleep to enjoy Friday. Come on Friday... I told you I was sleepy!