Friday, May 29, 2020


This week has been quite a mind full! All the hate and criticisms on every side. Can't we Christians at least be on the same page, and that would be Jesus Christ and our love for mankind? Time is short and we don't have a lot of time for getting on board with the ranting and raving with the name game and the blame game, that's not our thing. I'm tempted to do the same when my flesh tries to outweigh my spirit, but what will it profit me in the long run? Only a momentary burst that fades away until reality hits and you've said things you regret or started a feud with people you love, defending or hating someone you don't even know.
Know that we are children of the most high, not Democrats or Republicans. Don't label yourselves by how you feel led to vote. But always allow others the freedom to have a choice in every area of life just as Christ offered you a choice of life or death, good over evil.
Remember child of God, we fight best on our knees!
Until next time...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Again I am totally agitated and hurt that a person could Have so much hatred towards black people that she could fabricate this lie about being intimidated by a black man knowing the result could be fatal to him. Using a phone call to the police department to fuel this situation shows that we have made white people feel that all they need to do is tell the cops and that will bring a black man to his knees simply because it is happening way too often. It seems white people dont need a gun or knife, just a phone call to the police so they can watch the takedown without any blood on their hands.
When this happened in Central Park where so many blacks and other people of color sometime think that racism is just in the South, it reminds us that it is alive and well everywhere.
The apology from this woman was so contrived, it's ridiculous because she knew just what she was doing and the response she intended to get but Mr Cooper was so nice and gentlemanly, he videotaped her approaching him and lying out loud and in color. It hurts to think this could've been another racist attack by the police if they had listened to this white woman.
Please click on the link below if you haven't seen this yet:

video of Central Park Coopers

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


My heart is saddened this morning yet again. I stayed away from the news except for COVID19 news which comes at you at every angle even when avoiding regular news. However, I had not seen or knew about Mr Floyd who was killed by policemen with nothing better to do than take out their frustrations on a black man who begged to be let up because he couldn't breathe. How much force does it take for several police to arrest or detain a criminal. I watched some footage just a minute ago and Mr Floyd was not doing anything to warrant this unkind and brutal treatment. 
What's happening America? Don't we have enough going on that we don't need to carry out torture on another individual? We're fighting a pandemic yet our black brothers are not only getting killed in jail but on the so called safe streets of freedom. This has gone too far and the average black male is not feeling safe which makes him a little more defensive wondering if he's about to be beat or killed.
This has to STOP! Our men are important to us as black women so we must pray for them as well as ourselves, this affects us all.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Today I woke up so grateful to be present and healthy in this world while there are those who are suffering from the virus as well as other illnesses whether mental or physical. In this crazy mixed up world I know I'm truly blessed and knowing it means we should count them one by one and give our creator honor and thanks for making it happen.
I must admit the reason for posting a little late is that I was very sleepy, got up with my daughter a few times during the early morning hours and it was difficult to fall back asleep each time. But it's Friday and time for Friday fun so take off that doom and gloom and get it moving. Lots to do today!
Let's shake off that COVID15 lbs and eat less of that Memorial Day weekend food. It's tempting to go all out crazy after being cooped up but we are planning to not go overboard. So go have fun, swim, ride a bike, or take a walk, it's up to you. It is GREAT to have choices.
Until next time...

Friday, May 15, 2020


And we meet again! I remember when I was working, I used to look forward to seeing you because it marked the end of a tough work week but now you come so quickly I can barely prepare for your arrival. It seems you were here just a few days ago, not that I don't love your company, it's really moving a little too fast for me because as fast as you come, you go just as fast. Please stay a little while longer and relax with me.
The COVID 19 is trying to limit so much in our lives but we don't have to allow it even though it has brought change, it doesn't have to change us. Keep your eyes on the prize. Until next time...

Friday, May 8, 2020


A part of me wants to say "finally Friday" and another part of me wants to say "not yet Friday".  Feeling a little conflicted about time going by so fast and not enough accomplished and a flash of TGIF marking the end of a week, making way for the weekend which this one commemorates Mother's Day.
 I'd like to give a shout out to all good moms, not just those who gave birth but those who really care and have done the hard work because it is indeed hard work if it's done right. For me it's not just another day but a special time to reach out and love those women in your life who've been great mothers, not just your mother but mothers you admire for jobs well done. Right now with this COVID19 plague affecting our lives, we might not be able to give them a hug or kiss but certainly a card, a call, a text to make that woman know you care about all the sacrifices of time and talent she has put into the lives of those she loves. Make this Mother's Day even more special because it is different and a part of our "NEW NORMAL".  
Love is still the answer!
Until next time...