Thursday, April 19, 2018

Friday Eve

Hello on this blessed Friday Eve! Yes, it's the day before the DAY that makes up for all other workdays!
Here I am at work and having a splendid time awaiting my friend, Friday! Last week I was a bit negligent and failed to do all I could to make Friday feel appreciated and loved, but not this time. I'm fully charged and ready to bless and be blessed by all the weekend has to offer and enjoy it to the fullest!
As my friend Marvin Gaye would say "Let's get it on".
Until later...


  1. I hear ya, Ms Linda! I watched Friday come in quietly without a peep! There's no turning back now. Sooo here we go FULL STEAM ahead into the weekend with great memories of moments gone by that we'll never ever experience again. Hello Friday! Welcome! I bless you and all those I come in contact with. Friday, Fri-YAY!!!
