After the excitement of yesterday, I admit today is tame and just the right atmosphere for the entrance of my friend Friday! We are already geared and set for fun. So glad to see the weekend come, but not wanting to let go as easily. Latching on to ALL that Friday has and holding on to it with all my might...,maybe I'll just lie awake and let Saturday ease up on me!
Work can become quite heavy as moments of complete exhaustion fill my bones and I long for Friday to come and soothe me and tell me it will be alright!
I've waited all week to take this long breath and sigh of relief that I made it yet another week and I'm still kicking, surviving, and thriving!
Tomorrow I have a funeral to attend in Gainesville in the afternoon, not fun but I should go! I will savor all the time left after that and make good use of the remainder of the day!
Always looking forward...
I feel ya Sister! Friday was an ending but also a beginning! It ended the work week and began the weekend. Yeeesss, hunty... we packed a lot into this weekend, and IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! It helps to look at The Blessing and The Silver Lining to appreciate all that Our Father provides for us! Be thankful and praise His Wonderful Name! "Again I say, REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS!!!"