You are here, present and accounted for, so wonderful to have an on-time friend! You come every week as scheduled right after I've toiled and worked all week long. Be good to me Friday, I'm depending on you to help make this day great!
It's cloudy, rainy, very inclement weather, but knowing you're here makes me a bit more joyous about the prospects of the weekend! I'm planning to do some baking tonight for a cookie challenge that I've never entered before so first time will be a charm, Why? Because you are with me and it's Friday!
Yes, it is Friday! Maybe I should do some, maybe not that extreme, but I will wear a very big smile upon my lovely face and everyone will see the confidence I have that it will all turn out great!
God's got it! Until next time...
And it did turn out right, you winner you! What a sweet surprise! ��