Friday, April 5, 2019


I'm so excited to see my friend Friday, as usual I've waited all week long for patient I must be ! I do it all for you! This Friday is the first Friday and filled with loads of fun things to do downtown on the Art Walk so put on your walking shoes and let's stroll down Blessed boulevard and Straight Street, enjoy the festivities and all the creativity that awaits...can't wait!
Work must move swiftly and seamlessly to grant my wish for a super rich and prosperous day in every way! I'm ready!
Until later...


  1. Friday tends top mean something else for me. Sometimes it comes tooo quickly when I realize I need to take care of weekday business that I missed until Monday!. Aaaaagggggghhhhh... Chasing my tail again! Hahaha.

  2. Yes, blessed boulevard! I’d like to hangout on that “straight” street.

  3. Eyes Che Lo you have a point there...I feel you, but I like to see it and savor it, not wanting to let go of it too quickly!
