Thursday, May 23, 2019


Hello day before Friday! You are a glimpse of what tomorrow will bring, a hole in the door of the future! You are welcome in this place as my heart longs for Friday like never before. The week's end is coming and I so look forward to the joy it brings! Reaching some goals and getting things done will make me smile. Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I just arrived on Friday with a plumbing repair need. I had been out all day Thursday with a friend helping me organize my storage unit. I came in stutn worn out and moving slowly. My girlfriend suggested that I retrieve summer clothes from my unit, take them home, and wash them. So I did. I try to keep my TO DO List short, so I decided to sort and wash. Well a couple of delicate items needed special attention so I used the bathroom sink to handwash. Just as hung up the items I noticed water flooding the bathroom floor. WHUTTT???!!! I turned that frown upside down and now I'm happy, Happy, HAPPY! That messes up my enemy! VICTORY today is MINE! My husband will call the plumber and the rest will be history! SMILE😄
