Thursday, April 30, 2020


I know I say this quite frequently, but it's Friday already! Not ready yet, this time I can truthfully say I'm not ready for my dear friend to visit yet. I had so much more I wanted to accomplish before the end of the week and I fell short. Maybe because there were things in my personal life that pulled so hard it changed my energy or maybe it's just the effects of this sequestered atmosphere we're in. Whatever the reason, I fell short of my goal, I'm refusing to let it damage my weekend , instead I'm focusing on the week ahead and the joy it brings to dream of the future.
The best is yet to come!
So Friday, come on and let's make this the most exciting "be at home" day ever.
Until next time...

Thursday, April 23, 2020


OK Let's have some fun and drop the serious veneer. Put on a fun suit and a fun hat and make Friday what it ought to be. I want to kick Corona out and replace it with everything light. Why? Because we need it. There are people out there getting depressed and stressed even though they have NO answer to ridding us of this demon. They need to rely on the source of all that's good...JESUS!
So let's let go, let God and take a load off. Scream, laugh, dance, play some games, read some books, catch up on cleaning that junky closet and give away some of those barely worn clothes.
Please let me know what you did to make Friday fun again! Looking forward to hearing from all of you who read this blog. I choose Life, do you?
Until later...

Friday, April 17, 2020


I want to start this day with love and prayer for our nation and all of its inhabitants. We're going through a really difficult and different season, one like never before in our time. This has changed the way I look at life and going out of my door. Masks and gloves all around me when I loved hugs and the human touch so much, will it ever be the same?
Someone asked have we prayed as much as we've talked about our dilemma? Oops! Probably not, right? Let's start today. Let's practice patience and peace for God has given us this day and the grace for it!
Until next time...

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Good Friday

This is Good Friday, not just any Friday, but Good Friday! The world thinks we as Christians because of this pandemic won't be able to celebrate Easter or Jesus as our risen savior but they are soooo mistaken. God has blessed us with technology that brings us together even when we are apart. The people in 1918 with the Spanish flu pandemic had no technology to help them cruise through that horrible event, yet it ended and though it was devastating and took millions of lives. This too shall pass.
We are excited and mindful of what Christ sacrificed for us to make sure we have life. This can not be taken for granted whether the climate is good or bad, we still have a savior, Jesus Christ
Let's rejoice!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2020


This thursday, known as Friday eve we are getting ready for our small group meeting using new technology for us and it's called Zoom dedicated to connecting people with video. We're so excited to see what God will do.
Until tomorrow...