Friday, April 17, 2020


I want to start this day with love and prayer for our nation and all of its inhabitants. We're going through a really difficult and different season, one like never before in our time. This has changed the way I look at life and going out of my door. Masks and gloves all around me when I loved hugs and the human touch so much, will it ever be the same?
Someone asked have we prayed as much as we've talked about our dilemma? Oops! Probably not, right? Let's start today. Let's practice patience and peace for God has given us this day and the grace for it!
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Yep we gotta examine ourselves to see if we're still living out our faith! I try to keep my atmosphere CHARGED WITH POSITIVE KINGDOM ENERGY-- LOVE JOY PEACE PRAISE FAITH HOPE COMPASSION WISDOM LAUGHTER HUMOR UNDERSTANDING!!!
