As much as I love you my dear Friday, your visits are coming way too fast and not because I don't appreciate them, it's that you leave before I'm ready for you to go. I'd like to hold on to you longer and slow the weekend down for more pleasure.
Anyhow, there's been a lot of crazy activity going on lately that is difficult to understand. Is everyone going nuts? What happened to sensitivity, love, caring about your fellow man? It may sound a bit cliche' but why can't we just get along?
I'm sure God is frowning at his creations who He made equally, fighting and thinking one is better than the other. I pray this awakening has some positive effects and white people realize that the black person they thought they knew so well has suffered bias and prejudice that they never spoke about. Hurrah for the long needed conversation. I absolutely abhor violence but the conversation and change is long overdue.
Thanks to President Trump for making Juneteenth a household word. Let's be honest black people, many of us never heard or celebrated it until his rally was scheduled on that date. We as a people are also learning some black history and that is a good thing.
May we never forget to give God the glory for giving us life and love and respect for everybody as well as their opinions. Love each other in spite of their differing views. Freedom was fought for and died for so let us experience that freedom by allowing those differences.
Until later...
All is well!