Friday, June 26, 2020


Still the unrest continues and there are people who have no peace. God promises us peace even in the midst of confusion but we have to be connected to the vine to experience this. As I've stated before how much I respect and believe in protest, I can not get on board with rioting, looting, and killing to make a point. The point will always be absorbed in the conflict and never settled.

Well well well, we continue to pray and move on because Friday is upon us and I'm determined to enjoy my day that leads to my weekend and I count it all joy. I will stand for what's good and right in this world and make my Friday the best one ever, so come on Friday and do your thing with me. I'm waiting...


  1. Dance with me, Friday, MY TREASURE! The dance well be over but the memories of a well planned out weekend of productivity make it worth it! I've been prayerful contemplative this week! I declare that I am healthy, wealthy, & wise! Love you

    1. Thanks CheLo! You are wealthy and you're wise, that's why you respond to the blog and you will be blessed..

  2. Life is choice driven! We ate all products of our choices. Surely we didn't know the consequences of each choice we made and still don't know the far- reaching effects. What we do know is that JESUS IS LOVE & GOD IS JUST! What HE has spoken will come to pass. Do we want to hear that, surely not if it doesn't seem to work in our favor. But if we're truly Children of The Light, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD! The troubles of this world will be bc of the fallen nature of man. Those of us still alive each day have been given another opportunity to sow good seed! I choose to do just that. My obligation as my brother's keeper is to pray and lead by example. Praying allows me to tap into THE SUPERNATURAL REALM where Christ is. Being an example allows me to do what I can in the natural physical realm as a human being! Soooo no matter what we can impact the world and people's lives for GOOD! I prayed with my oldest daughter this morning as she toiled over baking for her restaurant. She desires to please God and to walk uprightly! It's not easy, but it's worth it! We're not God; therefore, we call things wrongly in our humanness! I encourage everyone to pray this request: "Lord, create a clean heart in me and renew my spirit to desire to do what is right before YOU! Please do not take away your Holy Spirit from me! If you do, I will perish! I ask this in The Mighty Name of Jesus! "

  3. Linda,I am so proud of you & your FRIDAY BLOG! You're so deep and it amazes me! I marvel at your insightfulness! I still think one of your strengths is storytelling! I will not be satisfied until I witness you walking in your calling to read books and tell stories to others! I'd rather hear you than read any day! You make a book come alive! Best wishes Dear Linda

    1. You are super encouraging and I think I may take you up on that!😊
