Friday, April 28, 2017

My Friend

Friday, how are you my old friend? It's been a while since I've posted on a regular basis, but never were you far from my thoughts. After all I have to face you every week and I must admit I enjoy you so much even if I don't tell you often. Getting back to this blog is healing for me and I hope and pray that I never put you on the back burner ever again.
Today is special as I have definite plans for tomorrow and I look forward to dressing up and wearing a Kentucky Derby hat to a women's hat parade. We all will be fashionable and beautiful!
Friday, you're still the best!
Until later...

Friday, April 14, 2017

It's Good Friday April 14, 2017 and it is really really good. Don't think I've ever met a bad Friday so this one certainly is one to be celebrated, it's Easter weekend and the story of Jesus's resurrection is the Super Bowl  of's that important!
Have a blessed Easter and do some fellowship with other believers, maybe invite those who don't know the story to tag along as your special guests!
Experience the wonder!