Friday, April 19, 2019


  Hello Good Friday! You're always good to me and I do enjoy you so much, not ready to let this love affair end. One day another may take your place and leave you lonely but let's talk about that when the time comes!
Spending the day with my girls with wind blowing nice and strong and the smell of rain on its way, I can't ask for more.
I'm continuing my fund raising work to purchase the Candra van for easy transport of my daughter and her wheelchair.
So let's get ready for Resurrection Sunday, preparation is key!
Until later...


  1. Amen! First things first in a wet and windy Friday!

  2. Heeeeyyy Sister! I had great plans to end my day stripped down to my birthday suit when I met a skink coming to meet me down the hall as I made it to my bedroom. All my wonderful visions along with my countenance collapsed for lack of strength. I'm working on building my spine to handle this disappointment and the idea of a skink lurking in the shadows of my bedroom! Somebody come get this little creature out of my space! Pleeease!
