Friday, May 10, 2019


Right here, right now, right on time! Hello Friday! This morning it's just me and you , at least for a moment before life and all its duties call on me! So glad to see you and feel good! This is what I look forward to, this feeling that I can't describe and wish I could bottle up and sell because I would love for others to feel what I feel... Work week ends, job well done, mission accomplished  and a little money made! It is truly time to rest when you work as hard as I do to keep things going.
Enjoy the weekend everyone and until later...


  1. The days come and go so quickly till I feel i'm watching myself come and go at the same time. I started travels on Friday to my first grandchild's college graduation. I'm so pleased and proud of this milestone in my little family! After this celebration, i'm sure there will be more graduations to attend. I can hardly wait. To Almighty God be all the glory and Thanksgiving! Here's Friday running past me again...

  2. Great blog and comments! I enjoy reading it. Don’t let your Fridays fly by too quickly.

    1. Thank you for always commenting and encouraging me, it means so much!

  3. Graduations are to be celebrated and I must admit I love them! Enjoy all of them Cheryl!
