Friday, November 2, 2018


HELLO to all you hungry Friday readers! I know you've been waiting patiently for the unknown and unread to unfold, right? Well here it is! The long and short of it is "we made it". YES, another week has come and almost gone and we're still diving and hopefully thriving! This week has been beautiful, but not without its usual bumps and hurdles to get over. The fact that we've overcome ALL these barriers and made it over the hump is a blessing! We need to be ever thankful for what God has done for each of us who are able to read this blog or have it read to you! Friday, You are right on time just as I expected and you bring me such joy and peace of mind knowing I've done well by completing the tasks that I had before me and preparing myself for the weekend. After all, we must keep it moving or it will stop! Feel me? Until next time...


  1. Yes, indeedy! Can’t stop. Won’t stop. We made it through the week and now we will make it an enjoyable weekend!

  2. Friday Friday... in just one day you're gone again! For the fleeting time we had I'm so thankful! The prayers prayed, the declaratons made will carry us into the new week with one extra hour! Yay!!! We're standing on the promises of God each and every day, so live the BEST LIFE NOW! Someone was not afforded the opportunity. I rejoice in another day to bring glory to Almighty God for the blessings HE bestows daily!
