Wednesday, May 27, 2020


My heart is saddened this morning yet again. I stayed away from the news except for COVID19 news which comes at you at every angle even when avoiding regular news. However, I had not seen or knew about Mr Floyd who was killed by policemen with nothing better to do than take out their frustrations on a black man who begged to be let up because he couldn't breathe. How much force does it take for several police to arrest or detain a criminal. I watched some footage just a minute ago and Mr Floyd was not doing anything to warrant this unkind and brutal treatment. 
What's happening America? Don't we have enough going on that we don't need to carry out torture on another individual? We're fighting a pandemic yet our black brothers are not only getting killed in jail but on the so called safe streets of freedom. This has gone too far and the average black male is not feeling safe which makes him a little more defensive wondering if he's about to be beat or killed.
This has to STOP! Our men are important to us as black women so we must pray for them as well as ourselves, this affects us all.

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